The Shake-Up Mindset – Thinking Outside the Box


What will you be having for dinner tonight? Something new and fresh? How about tomorrow? How about the day after that? And that? And that?….
Honestly, no one plans that far ahead, me included. But what if there was a way… some way to use the leftovers from yesterday’s dish to make them into a new and tasty dishes of their own? Call it recycling; I call it the innovative concept of Shake-Up.
So, what is a Shake-Up, and how can it help you use your chowder from last night and transform it into a wonderful dish for the whole family to enjoy? You’ll find that out, and much more, in this blog!

Leftovers… Ugh!

If you are someone who is not big on the idea of leftovers, you are not alone. There are many people who either dislike or have an objection to leftovers since most of them end up in the trash sooner or later. I, too, used to dislike leftovers; however, my approach to them was slightly different from your conventional approach. I wanted to do something about them… or, more precisely, something with them.
Thus, an idea was born. What if I use the dish I cooked yesterday and use it to create something new with a twist? What if the chicken mushroom cheesesteak chowder I had yesterday could be transformed into chicken mushroom ramen? Wait a minute, it is possible!
So, if you, too, are not big on the idea of leftovers, I am positive that the idea of Shake-Ups will shake you up in just the right way! The idea is simple: create a completely unrelatable dish from the dish you had the last night. The Shake-Ups are here, and they will rock your kitchen. No more food going to waste. Rather, you’ll be hoping for some leftovers so you can experiment in the kitchen and cook up something that will earn you the praise of your family and friends.

Is It Difficult?

You wish! See, the Shake-Up mindset revolves around making the best of the leftover dish and utilizing your own imagination to the point you can create an unrelated dish that will leave everyone speechless. The best part? Contrary to what you think, Shake-Ups do not take more time than the actual dish to create. Rather, they only need anywhere from half an hour to 45 minutes, tops.
Your Shake-Ups will be delivering not just flavor but affordability and fun alike. These unique twists will easily become the life of a party or a dinner, for that matter. From hijacking conversations to becoming the topic of conversation at the dinner table, I’ve seen Shake-Ups do wonders, and it’s all thanks to a little creativity.

Play with your food – Not Just Shake-Ups:

My name is Courtenay, and I’m an avid and shameless lover of food. You’ll read me saying that a lot because I have roots in food. My parents brought me and my siblings up with their Pierogi business in Pennsylvania. Maybe this has to do with my inclination towards food and cooking, or maybe I was born this way. Chowder has a special place in my heart, and you’ll find me cooking one up every week. One of the things with chowder was that, since it is cooked in copious quantities, I would always have more than enough lying around.
I have respect for food and not just food but each and every ingredient I put in a dish. They are all essential elements that elevate a dish and bring to it all the wonderful flavors that make my passion for cooking all the more enticing. This has prompted me to savor each and every bite and make sure not even a single grain goes to waste. Whenever I would have leftovers, I would be in a predicament. Especially after cooking chowder, as I would always have more than enough lying around. Wasting it was out of the question, so I had to use my imagination and come up with ways to reuse the leftover chowder.
As luck would have it, my cooking skills and ability to masterfully combine the right ingredients together, along with my colorful imagination, helped me come up with the concept of Shake-Ups. A wonderful idea where the leftover chowder would be utilized to cook completely unrecognizable dishes. Unrecognizable in the sense that you wouldn’t be able to tell this was made with a leftover dish. Such is the versatility of chowder. And being a lover of chowder (since I know so many recipes), I was cooking a different kind each week and using the leftovers to experiment with Shake-Ups.

Not Just Shake-Ups, But Chowder and Shake-Ups

Before I knew it, I had so many wonderful, quick, and scrumptious recipes that it felt almost criminal not to share them with the world. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, my book was live on Amazon.It brought me so much joy to see people trying my recipes and giving me feedback on the throughout the week. That is the name and concept behind this project, after all… Chowders & Shake-Ups for the Week, available on Amazon. You cook chowder today and eat the for the rest of the week.

With dozens and dozens of Shake-Ups , your weeks will never be the same again. No more leftovers, as that will now be the base for a whole bunch of tasty you’ll be cooking over the course of the week. Who would have thought a little leftover could have such a makeover that you would love to have leftovers every week? So, shake up the leftover mindset and open your eyes (and mouth) to Shake-Ups that carry the essence of your favorite chowder with a unique twist that will keep you hooked. So order your book today and be amazed at the plethora of Shake-Ups recipes that will leave you speechless, as it is not polite to speak with your mouth full.

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